Legal Services
Specialist legal advice for you and your family including:
- Estate planning – Probate, Power of Attorney, Will-writing
- Care home fees planning
- Buying or selling property
- Family and relationships
Initial consultations are free and without obligation

What we offer
Through Irwin Mitchell LLP, Age Co Legal Services offer a range of specialist legal advice and services to help you plan for the future and manage your personal affairs.
These include estate planning including Will writing, dealing with Probate, setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney, help with planning for Care Home fees, as well as buying or selling a home and handling personal legal matters relating to family and relationships.
Whatever your circumstances, Irwin Mitchell LLP will provide you a free of charge, no obligation initial consultation to understand what you need and explain how they can help, so you can decide if Age Co Legal Services are right for you. If you want specialist advice on planning for the moments that matter, either for yourself or for an elderly relative, our experts are on hand.
Support with Probate
If a loved one has died, the thought of sorting out their financial affairs can be an upsetting prospect. Age Co Legal Services are provided by Irwin Mitchell LLP, who can help to make the experience as stress-free as possible, whether there is a Will or not.
This might include arranging probate, identifying and collecting the assets of the deceased, or organising any necessary inheritance tax payments. There are different levels of service dependent on what help you need – we recognise that and will work with you to provide the support that's right for you.
How Age Co Legal Services can help:
- Obtaining a Grant of Representation from the probate court
- Administering a deceased estate
- The sale of property
- Calculating and paying Inheritance tax, ensuring any reliefs available are used and maximised
- Release of funds to those entitled
- Dealing with all final tax returns
Power of Attorney
Lasting Powers of Attorney
A Lasting Power of Attorney (referred to as an LPA) is a legal document that allows you to appoint someone you trust to make decisions on your behalf, should you be unable to do so yourself.
There are two types of LPA; one to cover property and finances and one to cover health and welfare decisions.
Making an LPA gives you peace of mind that your appointed attorney will be able to make decisions on your behalf, if you become incapable of managing your own affairs.
How Age Co Legal Services can help:
Preparing your Lasting Power of Attorney
Age Co Legal Services, which are provided by Irwin Mitchell LLP, can advise on and prepare an LPA for you. After the document has been prepared and signed, they will register it with the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG), which is required before it can be used. They can also advise attorneys on acting in this role and their duties and responsibilities.
Arrangements for Scotland and Northern Ireland
Lasting powers of attorney are only valid in England and Wales. Separate arrangements exist in Scotland and Northern Ireland and advice will need to be taken in those countries.
Age Co Will writing service
Writing a will is one of the most important things you can do for your loved ones. Not only does a will ensure that your estate is allocated as you wish, but it also makes things easier for friends and family when you die.
To make sure your wishes are carried out it is important to consult a professional to help. Age Co Legal Services is provided by Irwin Mitchell LLP who are able to assist with all aspects of Will writing, They can give you the peace of mind that your Will and legacy is clearly prepared in a way that is legally valid.
A Will can be completed online or by post in just 4 easy steps.
How Age Co Legal Services can help:
Writing a Will
Having a valid Will avoids uncertainty by ensuring that your wishes will be reflected and actioned under a legally binding document.
Updating a Will
From amending your executors to adding a small gift, the Age Co Legal Service can assist to make changes to your Will if your circumstances or wishes change.
Contesting a Will
If you think inadequate financial provision has been made to you, or have concerns around somebody’s ability to make a Will, then get in touch.
Four simple steps to writing your Will:
1. Get in touch
Call 0800 055 6314 to request a free Will Writing pack or apply online.
2. Fill out your details
Complete the form outlining your wishes and return it with your payment.
3. Preparation of a draft
Irwin Mitchell LLP will send you a draft version of the Will to review.
4. Sign your Will
Once any changes have been made, you’ll be sent an original copy to sign.
Care Home Fee Planning
Care Home Fee Planning
For many people deteriorating health or an increased need for support can mean that they need to move into a care home. While some state funded care is available for those with limited assets or savings, you will usually need to pay for your own fees and these average between £2,000 and £3,000 per month.
Having a plan for what happens if you do need to go into care can give you peace of mind and help ensure you still have something to pass on to your loved ones.
How Age Co Legal Services can help:
- Advise you on any state benefits you’re entitled to
- Structure your Will (and your spouse or partner’s) in the best way to protect inheritance for your loved ones
- Advise on how you own your home with your partner, to make sure both you and your assets are protected
- Help you to explore and claim other methods of funding such as NHS Continuing Healthcare.
Buying/Selling Homes
Buying or Selling a home
If you are buying or selling a home, or remortgaging your existing property, Age Co Legal Services, which are provided by Irwin Mitchell LLP, can assist with any legal aspects of the transaction.
How Age Co Legal Services can help:
Buying a home
Whether you’re relocating or downsizing, you need to be sure the property, its location, and local amenities all fit your needs. Age Co Legal Services can offer practical support, including surveys.
Selling your property
Once you have a buyer for your property, the entire legal process can be managed for you by Irwin Mitchell LLP – right up to completion.
Remortgaging your property
You may wish to remortgage your property to consolidate debt, release funds for home improvements or support your family.
Equity release
Equity release allows homeowners, aged 55 and over, to raise money from their homes without having to move out or make monthly repayments. Irwin Mitchell LLP can advise on the legal aspects of the arrangement once you have spoken to your equity release adviser.
Family and Relationships
Family and Relationships
Irwin Mitchell LLP, the firm behind Age Co Legal Services, have experts to assist you with a range of other legal matters. Whether you are dealing with a family breakdown or considering divorce options, their solicitors can offer guidance and support.
Your case will always be handled with sensitivity and understanding and you’ll be given clear and honest advice to get the right outcome for you.
How Age Co Legal Services can help:
- Pre and post nuptial marital agreements
- Formalising civil partnerships and same-sex relationships
- Support through relationship breakdowns including divorce proceedings and maintaining contact with grandchildren
- Protection of your rights when sharing your home with other people whether that’s a partner, friend, or sibling

Our Legal Services partner
Age Co Legal Services are provided by Irwin Mitchell LLP.
Working with Age Co since 2008, Irwin Mitchell LLP is an award-winning firm of legal and financial advisors offering advice and support to help you plan for the future and manage your personal affairs.
If you want specialist advice on planning for the moments that matter, either for yourself or for an elderly relative, our experts are on hand.
Lines open Monday to Friday: 7am to 8pm, Saturday and Sunday: 9am to 5pm.
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Frequently asked questions
Who provides the legal advice and services under Age Co Legal Services?
Age Co Legal Services are provided by Irwin Mitchell LLP.
Should you wish to use any of the services listed you will be referred by Age Co to Irwin Mitchell LLP, who will advise and assist you directly. You will be a client of Irwin Mitchell LLP and your client contract for legal services will be with Irwin Mitchell LLP.
How do I know I can trust Irwin Mitchell?
Age Co Legal Services has chosen to work with Irwin Mitchell LLP by referring potential clients to it because Irwin Mitchell LLP is a leading law firm that receives recommendations in Chambers UK and The Legal 500, the two legal profession’s directories.
Irwin Mitchell LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with number OC343897 and is regulated both by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and Law Society of Scotland. All solicitors are required to adhere to a Code of Conduct. In England and Wales, this is provided and maintained by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, the legal profession's regulatory body. In Scotland, this Code of Conduct is provided and maintained by the Law Society of Scotland. If you would like to know more about Irwin Mitchell’s obligations under these Codes of Conduct, please visit the Solicitors Regulation Authority website or the Law Society website.
What are the arrangements between Irwin Mitchell and Age Co?
Under the Solicitors Regulation Authority Code of Conduct for England and Wales, Irwin Mitchell Solicitors are required to disclose the details of any arrangements between Irwin Mitchell LLP and AgeCo Limited (trading as Age Co or Age Co Legal Services). This information is below:
AgeCo Limited has a financial arrangement with Irwin Mitchell LLP where it receives a referral fee for each client introduction it provides to Irwin Mitchell LLP.
- Employment and conveyancing services: Irwin Mitchell LLP pay AgeCo Limited £50 + VAT for each client referral case that Irwin Mitchell LLP accept.
- Will writing services: Irwin Mitchell LLP pay AgeCo Limited a variable fee depending upon the products and services selected; further details are provided in the Will writing instruction form.
- Other services: Irwin Mitchell LLP pay AgeCo Limited 10% of the final fee they charge + VAT for each referred client case that Irwin Mitchell LLP accept.
Any net profits that AgeCo Limited makes from these introduction services are donated to Age UK to support Age UK’s charitable activities. This financial arrangement only applies in England and Wales.
What services does Age Co Legal Services provide?
Through Irwin Mitchell LLP, Age Co Legal Services offer a range of specialist legal advice and services to help you plan for the future and manage your personal affairs.
These include Will-writing, dealing with Probate, setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney, care home fee planning and buying or selling a home as well as handling cases relating to family and relationships.
How much does Age Co Legal Services charge?
Your initial consultation will be with the team at Irwin Mitchell LLP and is free of charge. Their solicitors will help you understand your options, what support they can provide and let you know how much it will cost if you decide to proceed. There is no obligation to purchase a product or service and you will not be charged if you decide not to go ahead.
Is the initial consultation free?
Yes. When you contact Age Co Legal Services, you’ll be given a free, no obligation consultation with Irwin Mitchell LLP. Their solicitors will help you understand your options, what support they can provide and let you know how much it will cost if you decide to proceed. There is no obligation to purchase a product or service and you will not be charged if you decide not to go ahead.
Does Age Co Legal Services offer other types of legal advice?
Yes. The legal services provider, Irwin Mitchell LLP, employs a large number of legal professionals, each specialising in a particular area of the law.
If you have a query regarding the services offered or about a legal service that is not listed, please call Irwin Mitchell LLP on 0800 055 6314.
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Find out moreAge Co Legal Services are provided by Irwin Mitchell LLP. Irwin Mitchell LLP is regulated by both the Solicitors Regulation Authority for England and Wales and the Law Society of Scotland. Irwin Mitchell LLP registered office: Riverside East, 2 Millsands, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S3 8DT (registered in England and Wales, no. OC343897